Some wonder why I am so skeptical of “AI.”
It’s because I have an internet connection and can read English.
The latest news on the subject has been mostly negative. Let’s dive in.
“AI” News
“AI” And Pedogy
University of Pennsylvania researchers studied “AI” tutors and found that “Generative AI Can Harm Learning.” Dr. Hamsa Bastani shared findings on Twitter, such as:
“…Students use GenAI as a "crutch," harming their learning.”
“Students seem to use GenAI as a "crutch" & simply copy answers instead of engaging substantively.”
Dr. Alp Süngü added, “Our research shows students using books for exam prep did better than those using books + GenAI. Why? They see GenAI as an answer machine, not a learning tool. If AI productivity gains are offset by hampered human capital, it might hurt the labor market.”
ETS researchers compared human grading to generative “AI” grading. Read about the racial bias they found here:
Researchers Warn of Potential for Racial Bias in AI Apps in the Classroom by Jill Barshay for The Hechinger Report, published on KQED’s website, July 8, 2024.
John Warner continued his excellent work with his Inside Higher Ed piece, Calling B.S. on the AI Education Future. Some quotes include:
“As a teacher of writing, I cannot outsource giving writing feedback to something that cannot read.”
The74 interviewed Cognitive Resonance author Benjamin Riley.
Benjamin Riley: AI is Another Ed Tech Promise Destined to Fail by Greg Toppo for The74, July 16, 2024.
Interesting quotes from the interview include:
“AI” Inaccuracy
In generative “AI” inaccuracy news, Google researchers said, “…Contamination of publicly accessible data with AI-generated content could potentially impede information retrieval and distort collective understanding of socio-political reality or scientific consensus.”
Interestingly, Google’s “AI overviews rollout coincided with a significant drop in mobile searches,” according to a new study by search industry expert Rand Fishkin. I switched to DuckDuckGo for search when Google rolled out “AI” overviews. I guess I was not alone in that reaction.
“AI” Hype
I am a big fan of 404 Media. It is “owned, written, [and] edited by four journalists who until very recently worked at VICE’s Motherboard.” That gives 404 the freedom to craft “AI” hype-bursting headlines such as this:
AI Finds That AI Is Great In New Garbage Research From Tony Blair Institute by Emanuel Maiberg for 404, July 10, 2024.
The LAUSD Ed Debacle
I have not yet had a chance to address Los Angeles Unified School District’s Ed chatbot and the demise of the company behind it. Here are some recent informative articles on the subject:
L.A. Schools Probe Charges its Hyped, Now-Defunct AI Chatbot Misused Student Data by Mark Keierleber for The74, July 10, 2024.
Supt. Carvalho moves ahead with troubled AI effort despite collapse of tech contractor by Howard Blume for The Los Angeles Times, July 11, 2024.
Was Los Angeles Schools’ $6 Million AI Venture a Disaster Waiting to Happen? by Greg Toppo for The74, July 9, 2024.
I advocate for creativity in the face of "AI" hype. Brian Merchant wrote an essay that does exactly that.
“AI” Environmental Harm
The evidence that “AI” is not sustainable and does real environmental damage continues to pile up.
AI brings soaring emissions for Google and Microsoft, a major contributor to climate change by Dara Kerr for NPR, July 12, 2024.
AI's Energy Demands Are Out of Control. Welcome to the Internet's Hyper-Consumption Era by Reece Rogers for Wired, July 11, 2024.
Washington Post Launches AI to Answer Climate Questions, But It Won't Say Whether AI Is Bad for the Climate by Maggie Harrison Dupré for Futurism, July 11, 2024.
OpenAI And Its Theranos-Like Secrecy
I have written about OpenAI’s Theranos-like secrecy. Whistleblowers recently asked the SEC to investigate the company’s employee NDAs.
OpenAI whistleblowers ask SEC to investigate the company's non-disclosure agreements with employees. The Associated Press, July 15, 2024.
A bipartisan group of senators introduced the COPIED (Content Origin and Integrity from Edited and Deepfake Media) Act, which would regulate generative “AI.” It is confusing what the act would do, but Dr. Casey Fielser of the University of Colorado has a good explainer:
Just For Fun
I have to share comedian Kylie Brakeman’s take on “AI.”
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In Case You Missed It
I have dropped a lot of content over the last two weeks.
Be Precise When Talking About "AI"
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